Sunday, November 14, 2010

RP Menu: Twilight 16

Save Laze, Take the Dojo's Treasure
A pirate announced, using Laze's jewel gear's capabilities to send a jewelcast from 100.5 PartyPlateau, that he found Laze, knows who she is, and will return her if the dojo's booty is placed on the western coast of Lover's Lane. If we don't cooperate, Laze's well-being, in any sense, will not be guaranteed.
  • Sunday Group RP
  • Private RP

Treasurehunt on Festival Coast
Rumor has it, lots of people bury their treasure on Festival Coast because there's not a lot of traffic there.
  • Sunday Group RP
  • Private RP
  • Dispatch

Marku's Gold Mine
With all the commotion on Kiha Crescent, I bet there aren't a lot of obstacles to stop us getting into Marku's Mines...
  • Sunday Group RP
  • Private RP
  • Dispatch

Mine Rescue
Some clans've tried going into the mines to find any survivors, but Pelipeeps haven't let anyone in because it could be a trick. With all the commotion on Kiha Crescent, now could be a good time to go in and see if you can find anyone who might've survived Thrasher's rampage.
  • Sunday Group RP
  • Private RP
  • Dispatch

Visit the Nursing Wing
Check up on Gauntlet, Nut, Slash, Watcher, among many others.
  • Sunday Group RP
  • Private RP

Personal RP
If there's anything else you want to do, feel free to do it.
  • Sunday Group RP
  • Private RP
  • Dispatch

Scorn's Latest Invention
Due to happenings in the current arc, this RP is not yet available.
  • Sunday Group RP
  • Private RP

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Three Crsecents, One Team - Night 15

! Incoming Jewelcast (From: 100.5 Partyplateau)

The speaker, seemingly a male, takes his time with his words, dragging them out for his enjoyment. The voice is raspy, and aged.


"Good evenin', crescent lovers. Hopin' the partially cloudy weather isn't too much, ...gettin' ye down. If ye can hear me, ...good. I be havin' some news that might cheer ye up, put a crescent-lovin' smile on yer pretty little faces."




"Scuse me. So. ...I'm not entirely rememberin' the name of the lass, but this is her machine I'm usin'. Pretty little thing, ...very, pretty. Of the green-haired sorts. Said some sorry land bandits got the nab on her, but lookin' down at 'er, I think...I can understand the urge for such things. I think ye all know who I'm talkin' about. Does the radio in these here parts. Me memory's a bit sho-"


"But anywho, I've got 'er on me ship. Don't worry, I be realizin' it's not wise to have such a...radiant, young thing simply lyin' about the deck with me many shiphands, so I'll...personally attend to her in me private quarters."

You hear something fluttering and squeaking in the background.

"Now, I'll return the green-haired lass safe 'n sound. All I be needin' is one wee little thing in exchange. Go get that dojo's treasured booty in its entirety, and place it on the Southeast coast of that heart-shaped island at the end of yer two rivers. Ye have until noon tomorrow, or else me shiphands are bouts to receive themselves a beautiful little chew toy. Happy huntin', me hearties."

Monday, November 1, 2010

Universe-Moving Changes

I know we've been making lots of drastic changes to the game and the world, but the world is very much obviously unfinished; see our lack of name. You'll have to pardon the growth spurts.

Up until now, a planet called Ethra has orbited the LCO, threatening us with their fear and revenge-induced wants for genocide. Also, Kiwi provided lesser gears and did things to make us like them, enforcing this with their Kiwi officers.

Kiwi and Ethra are similar in far too many ways for them to be separate entities, so I'm rewriting history. Planet Ethra is gone, along with the Ethran Military Armada.

Kiwi is a business. The CEO of Kiwi noticed how jewel hunters needlessly stole shards from one another for personal gain, while many villages failed to find any shards for tribute. Villages that somehow, with constant work and boundless luck, gathered a satisfactory tribute, were ransacked by pirates and jewel hunters, then stormed by Nobunaga for their disobedience to him.

Through selling the Jewel Gear along with many other amazing products, Kiwi accumulated enough funds to assemble an army, which they use to enforce laws they created.

Kiwi handles all Nobunaga-LCO transactions. They pick up tributes, females and food. They order villages and islands to build statues, with exact details, etc. Since they handle the business of the God of the LCO, according to their policies, they assume that all denizens of the LCO are their beloved customers. Everyone is issued a Customer ID (although many Chaos Islanders have ditched theirs).

According to Kiwi, it is against the law for their beloved customers to jewel hunt or partake in acts of piracy. These laws are to insure the efficient gathering of shards, improving chances of assembling satisfactory tributes.

Kiwi, however, will allow its beloved customers to jewel hunt if they file for a jRewards Card, but Kiwi requires payment (shards) in exchange. Not 100% of your earnings, but some. This is to further insure the assembling of satisfactory tributes.

With a jRewards Card, you can also purchase better weapons, such as metal-based boats, airplanes, automatic firearms, etc.

Traditionalist Jewel Hunters still sail sea chariots and other wooden models, and although they have complete freedom and "haven't sold their soul to Kiwi," the jReward customers fly circles around the chariots, gun down their crewmates and jolly roger.

According to Kiwi policy, if a beloved customer partakes in acts such as piracy and unauthorized jewel hunting, the customer seeks enrollment to a colesseum camp, and wishes to submit themselves to it fully. Customers who show customer id's can go and watch events in the colesseum camps.

Lastly, Kiwi enforces is laws and policies with its ever-growing army. They also drill in Antica, The Llamahakan Desert and various other places.

And that is that.

The last change being made presently, is that it is agreed upon by most people in the LCO the that Lazy Crescent Ocean is at the eye of a giiiiiiiiiiiiiant hurricane.

That is all.